10 May 2013

Fava and Greens (Foole M'Damas and Greens)

I love foole m'damas and anything with fava beans.  We are on the cusp of getting the first fresh fava beans of the season.  Meanwhile I have plenty if dried ones to use--a quick dish when the fava beans are split (called habas).
Even quicker if you have a few hours to soak the beans, then they will cook in about 30 minutes!

Serve as a side dish or an appetizer. I made tempeh the evening we had this.  A simple white fish would work really well and for some color on the plate how about some roasted peppers?

3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup sweet onion, diced
2 cups blanched greens (any mix: swiss chard, kale, chickory, spinach)
1/2 TB olive oil

Saute garlic and onions in olive oil until translucent.  Add the greens and season with salt.  Add water as they cook so they continue to break down and infuse the pot with the liquid they emit.  I added enough water to come within 1" of covering greens.  Bring that to a low boil and cook with the lid on while you prepare the beans.
Optional:  add some whole dried hot peppers (or break them in half for more heat)

1 cup habas (split dried fava beans)
3 cups water, vegetable stock or a mix
2 cloves garlic,  minced
1/4 cup sweet onion, diced
1/2 TB olive oil
1/2 lemon

Saute garlic and onions in olive oil for approx 3 minutes.  Add beans and liquid, bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a low boil and cook until the beans start to break down and are tender.  Some will completely break down and some pieces will remain.  Season with salt.  If any liquid remains in pot drain away the amount you don't want to get the consistency you like it.  I didn't need to drain any away.  It will firm up more as it sits.
Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into pot and stir.

Place greens in a serving bowl, mound fava in center.  Make a well in the center of the fava beans and put some extra virgin olive oil in the well.  Season with zahtar and/or sumac.

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