15 January 2013

Broiled Artichokes

Yum, Yum!  Forget those jarred and canned artichoke hearts.  If you haven't been using whole fresh artichokes here is a nice introductory to preparing them.  These are boiled and then broiled (or grilled if weather allows).
Sometimes I blanch the artichokes after prepping them and stuff them with a mix of quinoa stuffing or bread crumbs and bake them until the stuffing gets golden.  It lends good variety to artichoke dishes and can be served as an entree but it does take a bit longer.
The easiest is boiling until tender and peeling the leaves off and dipping in sauce, lots of people do that and use an aioli for dipping.  That's fine but rather bland if you make artichokes often.


serves 2

2 artichokes, washed and trimmed (see below)
4 cloves garlic, 2 whole and 2 minced
2 TBS fresh rosemary, chopped or dried rosemary (PLUS 1 sprig rosemary for water)
olive oil
2 TBS parmeggiano reggiano, grated

Place trimmed artichokes in sauce pot filled with water and the juice of 1/2 lemon (leave the lemon in the water after squeezing the juice out), add the 2 whole cloves of garlic, rosemary sprig (can add dried rosemary) and salt water (couple teaspoons).  Bring to a boil and let boil slowly until the artichokes are tender, depending on size about 10-15 minutes.
Remove from water and let drain.
Place on baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil, rubbing it between the leaves of artichoke.  Sprinkle minced garlic and chopped rosemary over the top and between the leaves of the artichoke.
Put cut side down and place in broiler.  Turn once they start to brown just slightly and repeat with other side.
Remove from broiler and sprinkle with cheese before serving.  Slivered sundried tomatoes are a nice addition.

*Note: to prep artichoke: Wash artichoke well and then pull off exterior leaves until you notice at the base the leaves are more yellow than green.  Next trim the top of leaves to remove pointy tops (~1/4").  Use a peeler and strip off woody exterior of stem.  Cut artichoke in half lengthwise and remove the choke (the fuzzy stuff).  I also remove the small purple leaves.
Rub surfaces of artichoke with lemon and place in pot of lemon water while preparing the rest. 
Now they are ready to boil.

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